Thank you for visiting Alica's Pepperpot. Please be aware of the terms and conditions of this site before using any recipes, information, or other material you find on this site.
- Alica's Pepperpot is a personal blog. I am not a professionally trained chef. Rather, I am a home chef, recipe developer, and professional food blogger who likes to cook, bake and share my recipes with others.
- Unless otherwise stated, the recipes on this site are my own creations or from my own family recipe collection. The recipes have been tried and tested by me, but any recipes used from this site by anyone are at the user’s own risk. You may not always achieve the same results as I have due to various reasons including, but not limited to, individual cooking ability and skill level, quality of ingredients, ingredient variations and substitutions, cooking equipment and appliances etc. Therefore, while care has been taken to provide readers with accurate information, users are to use their own discretion before making any decisions based on the information on this blog.
- For various reasons, it may be necessary for me to update older posts on this site and I am not bound to state all changes made or to give any notification of changes.
- Recipe development is a time-consuming process. Many hours have been spent shopping, cooking, baking, testing, writing, food styling, photographing, editing, and preparing content for publication to this food blog. I would ask that you please be considerate and respectful of this and that you do not misuse or misrepresent content from this blog – in other words, give credit where it’s due and don’t take content, including recipes, from this website and try in any way to pass it off as your own.
- Unless otherwise indicated, all content, in any form, on this site is my exclusive property and is copyright-protected. This includes, but is not limited to, all written material in any form or content and all photographs. Unauthorized use and/or duplication, distribution, or republication in any form of the material on this food blog is strictly prohibited. My prior written permission is required to use or reproduce content, in any form whatsoever, from this blog. I value my intellectual property and will aggressively enforce all copyright provisions to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- The recipes on this site are for the personal use of the home cook only and are NOT to be used for commercial purposes in any form (“commercial” is defined as making money from the sale of a product). An example of commercial use would be using my photos for your restaurant's printed menu without first receiving approval from me. If you wish to work with me regarding photography for your business or development of recipes for commercial purposes, please get in touch with me.
- These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time with, or without, notice.
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All text and photographs, unless otherwise specified on this site are owned by Alica Ramkirpal-Senhouse. All photographs are copyright protected with all rights reserved. This means that you need my permission to use or reproduce my words or pictures in any form whatsoever. I have put a lot of time and effort into taking the photographs and creating content for your pleasure. Please be understanding and so kind as to not use any of this material without first asking, all it takes is a simple email. Copyright © 2024 by Alica Ramkirpal-Senhouse, all rights reserved.